Application and Release Process

As a curated platform, we adhere to an application process for artists to release work on Singular. The Singular team is able to assist you with with aspects beyond just being a technical partner for release so individual steps within this process may vary depending on what aspects you may need help with. A high-level overview of the process is as follow:

  1. An artist interested in releasing or partnering with Singular fills out and submits our artist application form. All submissions will be reviewed and the applicant will be contacted after our team has had time to review.

  2. If we feel a project is thematically aligned with Singular and is something we would like to move forward, a member of our curation team will reach out to the applicant to discuss project specifics. Depending on what level of assistance is indicated in the application, curatorial discussion can range from project brainstorming, helping fine-tune the work, discussing various potential release and distribution mechanisms, and other relevant project topics.

  3. Once the work is in a place where both the artists and the Singular curation team agree that it is ready for release, the artist delivers all relevant project files of the work to our team. From there, our technical team will review for chain-readiness and see if further optimizations can be made or if there are potential issues in getting the work on-chain. This also includes choosing how metadata, if any, is presented on-chain. For generative works specifically, the artist will also decide what seeding method to use.

  4. Once technical review has been completed and the project is chain-ready, the artist and Singular team will discuss and agree upon a release timeframe. This is typically at least a couple weeks out from the project being green lit for release to allow for community awareness efforts as well as additional testing where needed.

  5. Pre-release, a collection page will go live on the Singular homepage outlining project and release details. Come release time, the collection page's mint UI will go live to allow prospective collectors to purchase works from the collection.

  6. Once the project has minted out, our team will list the project on relevant secondary marketplaces as well as provide on-going community support where needed.

Last updated